Now, why is this tutorial an upcoming one?
Because as you can clearly see in the after picture, the foundation looks very obvious. I didn’t exfoliate and moisturize properly which are very important while using this technique (I can see now why!). So, I’ll do all the steps again and then, post this tutorial.
From a distance, my skin doesn’t looks so much problematic but if observed from a very close distance, these large pores as well as these deep acne scars can very well be seen.
The most problem I faced while applying foundations was that my pores looked more obvious and larger after applying it.
I learnt this technique in one of my visits in Delhi Metro! Yes, You read it right!
A lady sitting besides me, while talking on phone with someone, was telling her how to use highlighter. Afterwards, I striked a conversation with her and in between the talks, I discovered that she’s a trained MUA! I asked her this problem of mine and she told me this technique! MANY MANY THANKS TO HER!
Nice one Heena. Sometimes you should be nosy an listen to other people's conversation, what say?
wow so much difference in both pics
Wow, I can see a clear difference <3
Waiting for the post
oh wow!! on the metro!! i love metros
Desperately waiting for the post!!!
Waiting for details, though I don't have acne/scars however I am still amateur when it comes to how to use foundation. I am sure I will learns some good tips
Wow! It really did work! Waiting for the tutorial though i don't have any pores….
Heehee u r talking makeup in metroo .woo..

Nicee.. waana see wat all.u learnt..
Would love to see the tutorial!! I have a couple of pores on my nose only so I use a brush and it kind of fill the pores with foundation so they aren't much visible.
'll Try Doing Soon!:)
Haha.. Totally Agree, Naaj!:D
I Can Understand!
Me Too Kinda!
Ooh.. Glad!:)
Makeup Is An Integral Part of Our Lives Na

Anxiously waiting for the tutorial Heena. Do it soon.
ohh u still not have posted this . iam still waiting