It’s one of the annoying things muggles of this mortal world expect us to do every Monday morning at workplace, every day and every hour. No wonder, I’m always mumbling the cruciatus curse under my breath. Because if dealing with Monday itself isn’t hard on its own, these slytherins add to that trauma.
Till the time you aren’t handed an invisibility cloak, it’s a good idea to make use of the potions you own. You see those bottles you own bursting of colours! Here is my list of makeup products which I feel are made especially for wearing on Mondays:
A concealer
Couldn’t stop putting that book down? Left the party in morning? A concealer is the easiest way to look instantly awake. Just set it with a damp sponge dipped in powder after applying it and you’re are good to go!
Buy it in a shade way lighter than your skin tone so that it gives a ghost like appearance to your face. Swiping it in a triangular form will take things a notch up. With Halloween still 2 months away, people will definitely get the memo and try to not touch a nerve.
A highlighter
Avoid showing your true feelings for the day by giving your pale face some colour and some shine too.
Instead of applying it just on your cheekbones, load it up on your face. Keep applying until you look like somewhat like this:
Freshly painted nails
Any color will do. If it’s a dark hue in the midst of summers, even better!
If you find someone annoying you constantly, just look them dead in the eyes and ask “See these claws?”
Him/Her: Errrr… You want coffee? That’s all I was trying to ask from the past 15 minutes. Nothing else. Nothing!
You: The colour is good, right? *Acting all innocent*
Him/Her: Errrr..yeah! Very vampirish pretty.
You: Ah! Thanks!
Him/Her: See you in the next birth tomorrow..or maybe not. *Runs*
The only disadvantage I see to this method is that the person will think of you as a psycho. But if you decide to go with this, I’m pretty sure you already are and they know that. So, you needn’t worry π
Fake blood scar around your lips
You can find them at Kryolan.
If your irritating colleague asks about it, tell him that you got in a nasty fight and that you’re still in a foul mood. That will speed up the process of him/her maintaining distance from you.
If your boss asks about it, just wrap it in a sentence by saying that you had a rough night yesterday and it’s an evil world out there. He/she might cut you some slack.
Please see: If any person from my workplace is reading this, please know that my sensitive skin can’t take this stuff. Okay? ^_^
A lip color outside our comfort zone
Because this way even if some people piss you off, you will spend more time thinking about your lip color and not about them.
On a serious note, wear a dark red (a vampy lip would be awesome!) and when you finally find that you can no longer stand that person, do this:
Slide your thumb finger very faintly on your lower lip and say ‘B-l-o-o-d’ very slowly. As soon as you that person is about to faint, walk away saying “I love this blood red lipstick.”
Now, guys! It’s 1:00 AM right now and I still have to decide what makeup am I wearing coming Monday. Another thing! Given the fact that I have written this post in a state of insomnia, please take it with a pinch of salt. The fake blood scar may make your boss ask you to fetch a copy of your criminal record. Just saying! It’s an evil world and some aren’t good at appreciating Halloween before its arrival! Okay? And stay safe from those soul-sucking dementors!
Another interesting one ππ