

Today, I don’t have any makeup/jewellery related post for you. I just want to talk today. And, if the sentences don’t look in an orderly manner and you find a lot of grammatical mistakes, please ignore.
I’m currently in a confusing phase of my life with a lot going on in my mind. My energy meter has gone down. There isn’t any particular reason but deep inside, I’m quite disappointed with a few things and how I still haven’t learned some lessons. It’s why I am facing those situations again in my life. When I look back at myself 2 years back, there’s a hell lot of difference! I have re-discovered myself. I’m not that much of a soft-hearted girl I used to be. But looks like what I’m today is still cruel in this world (or not, maybe it’s my sadness speaking). I have learned many lessons but the lesson where I should put limits on takers is yet to be learned by me. Being a giver, I really need to set boundaries because somehow I always end up hurting myself. 

You know like after a lot of bad things happened to you, you think you now know better. You are strong, you don’t let others take you for granted, you believe you see wisely and yet you still miss seeing some people who treat you like nothing.
If you are someone who doesn’t even bothers to check your schedule (50 times!) because a person needs you, the least you expect from that person is to be there for you in your time of need; at least some times. You don’t need to hear that “I’m busy” crap from that person when you didn’t even make them realize that you too were when they needed you. Ya, I know, expectation is crime and blah blah! But, I am a human being. I have feelings. I haven’t mastered that art of not expecting (although I feel closer to it). I think I just need to fit this somewhere in my heart that I need to let go of some parts of myself in order to become a better (Read: Less non-caring) person. I really do!
Please See:I’m sure after 2 days, I’ll be back to square one and even forget what I wrote here. Yes! Because.. Cheer up! The worst is yet to come! 😛 😐
Disclaimer: The above images do not belong to me.