I had been searching for Oil Control Tissues from a long time that were affordable and availability of these types of beauty products in India is like searching a needle from haystack. I used “The Body Shop” Oil Control Tissues previously but now they come only in tea tree variant and unfortunately, tea tree doesn’t suit me. And, so I was so delighted to find these!
Beauty Formulas is a UK brand and I got these sheets from “NewU” in Pacifiic mall, Delhi.
This pack contains 50 transparent brown sheets. You are supposed to gently tub them on your face, and they absorb the oil from your face.
These sheets are very soft to use on face and they pull out the oil from the face decently. They don’t disturbed my makeup but if you are wearing makeup that easily transfers, then, even these sheets can’t help you. Since the sheets are quite thin, I require 2 sheets two sheets to blot away excess oil. The “MAC Oil Blotting Sheets” did this work in one sheet only. But then, the price is too high.
In short, the sheets are soft and do a decent job at pulling out oil from face. They have never irritated my oily, acne and sensitive skin.
Price: Rs.175
Quantity: 50 sheets
VanityCaseBox Rating: 3.75/5
*Do You Use Oil Blotting Paper? Which One Is Your Favourite?*
I Have To Go To Pacific mall today only. I'm Buying these. Thanks a lot, Heena
I have used this one and I also got it from NewU. I picked it up from Vasant Kunj Mall. They are very good
I haven't tried sheets yet but I guess i should as oily skin can be really hard to deal with during summers! last week only I visited newU. I will definitely check it out. Thanks Heena for sharing it!

Nice review heena.. will try this soon
i have this sheets but does not work much on my skin thax to add me i hope we keep in touch
The Body Shop Tea Tree oil blotting sheets.. i kinda like those
Hey i went to pacific mall when i went to delhi
but i didn know it has newu
i just ate at kfc and left for haridwar
i will look for these in the newu store we have here 
Glad To
Glad To Hear That
Hope You Like Them Too
Glad To, Niesha!
I'm Having Very Oily Skin These Days, So Managing It Is Real Tough n These Sheets Come a Lot Handy.
Lovely review Heena. I don't have oily skin so, no worries
Nice review Dear
I HIGHLY recommend Chambuu Facial Blotting Tissue. I personally use it since it's organic and it's made of Charcoal Bamboo which has high absorbent properties and it comes with 200 sheets for a cheap price.You can purchase it here —–> http://amzn.to/1Rg1Kjt. Use this discount code: WYMBLF6S (code works. tried it yesterday)