
Weight Loss, Page-1

Hey Everyone! 😀
How You Doing?
Suddenly in the middle of arranging my wardrobe, I remember that I was supposed to give you update on my “Lose weight and Be fit” new year resolution and its been 10 days that I haven’t.
Lord! It seems like I really should start using Ponds Age Miracle! 😛
Anyhow, I am glad to declare that I have lost 😀 No! Let me pour in some details first and then I’ll tell how much weight I have lost.
On 1st January, 2013; my mom had prepared “Rajma Chawal(Indian dish)”. Imagine my plight! But I told myself that if I don’t say No today, I would back to square one and won’t be following my new year resolution.  So with great guts, I said no to rice and ate chapattis only with rajma. *Tap on the shoulder*
Since losing weight is not easy, I wanted to start by making small changes that seemed realistic. Having a support is always good. And, I found that support in my friends. Thank God! They used to remind me everyday my motto and they even message me every evening about my new year resolution. It just feels good.
The small changes I made (for me big!) were made in keeping many things in mind. I know that I eat a lot of junk food and I also knew that even if I cut only junk food from my list, I would lose weight easily. Also, I have restricted myself to have:
        Rice once a week.
        Sweets once or twice at maximum a week. (I hate that!)
        No junk food at all.
        Eat small portions/fruits/dry fruits every 2-3 hours.
        Drink at least 6 glasses of water in these damn chilly winters!
Now, I have my holidays going on from past one week. From morning to evening, I am stuffed in my warm blanket. So, the night before I wake up on morning, I make sure to put in 6-7 reminders in my cellphone so that I know when to get up for having water and my small portions every 2-3 hours. Believe me! It helps a lot! Now that my college would be starting from next week, I’ll make sure to carry small portions of food with me. 
Regarding exercise, I haven’t been going for walk in these chilly winters. I actually get cold if I do so.
So I have been dancing an hour everyday. My favourite! I love dancing! Would take out even the slightest stress away from your head!  
In these 10 days, I have lost 2 kgs! 😀 I wouldn’t lie but tell you that I would have lost 3 kgs easily if
        I hadn’t been a glutton for the 3 chocolate pastries I had while being on outing.
         I hadn’t eaten those 2 chocolates that were kept in my drawing room! Damn!
        I hadn’t eaten those hot 5-6 pakoras when the guests came. Gulp!
But honestly, I have much more control now than I had earlier and I look forward to being more fit! 😀 Not to forget, my skin has started to glow again with a lot less acne.
I have also been following a certain timetable for my eating habits that has helped me a lot.
P.S.- “Rujuta Diwekar’s” books have helped me a lot in this journey and I will surely try to post information from her book as and when I can so that it’s helpful to others too.
*How Well You Are Sticking To Your New Year Resolutions?* 😀