
Inglot Freedom System Lipstick No.10 Review And Swatch


Hey everyone!

I have my final exams starting after 10 days and if you still see me blogging after 10 days, you have the full right to tell me that> You have exams to give and don’t you worry. We would still be hovering over your blog reading old posts until a new one comes up 😛 😀

Coming to Inglot Freedom System Lipstick in shade no.10, I love it so much. I always have hard time finding pinks that go with my complexion. This is the second pink which I love so much and if I got the boon of “this lippie would become a nude color when I walk down the roads in this lippie, I would be wearing it everyone and then”. Though I am wearing it all the time these days when I go partying or shopping since it’s mostly in malls only..

Inglot Freedom System Lipstick in shade no.10 is a very stunning and bright pink colour. It’s a very “in-your-face” colour. I instantly fell in love with this colour the moment I swatched it on my lips in the store and bought it.

As I wrote in my previous posts, Inglot freedom system lipsticks tend to get little drier in the winters and so is the case with this but nothing like can’t be handled. I don’t suffer from dry lips problem so I don’t apply balm with it. Though I sometimes top it with a transparent gloss coat.  

The lipstick is insanely pigmented, not so drying, and also has a very good staying power.

On its own, it stays intact for more than 4 hours and with light snacks in between, it wears off a little. Though I dislike uneven fading of lipsticks, this is not the case with this. Since when it fades, it leaves a stain behind and so, it doesn’t looks weird

So, Do You Plan On Buying This Shade? 😉

Price: Rs. 250

Quantity: 1.2g

Vanitycasebox Rating: 4.5/5